Archive for the 'health care' Category

Call for Solidarity; blogger in distress

Violet is in danger of losing her health insurance. If you want a blogosphere not dominated by a few large blogs, it is necessary to support bloggers like Violet, one of our best feminist bloggers.

Catholic bishops run our country

White House Openly Considers Caving to Bishops on Birth Control Coverage

We need politicians who can explain the concept of separation of separation of Church and State to the Catholic Church.

We also need a president who is not a women hating ogre.

Cardinal Wuerl, champion in the war on women

House Passes H.R. 358, the “Let Women Die” Act of 2011

Today the GOP-led House of Representatives, with the blessings and encouragement of the United States Council of Catholic Bishops and extremist religious groups such as the Family Research Council, passed a bill in a vote of 251 to 172 that would, among other things, allow doctors and hospitals to “exercise their conscience” by letting pregnant women facing emergency medical conditions die.

Anyone who would like clarification on this is encouraged to contact Cardinal Wuerl:

Archbishop of Washington:
His Eminence Donald W. Wuerl, 301-853-4500

Be courteous!

Edit –
The Men Behind The War On Women

Agent Orange victim in Upshur County WV

Obama’s, Congress’s, and City Council’s war on DC’s poor

The war on women

Laws Affecting Reproductive Health and Rights: Trends in the First Quarter of 2011

Criminalizing miscarraige

These kinds of efforts have been going on for years and it is only getting worse.

The battle for United Medical Center

Washington City Paper

Now Chopivsky is eager to convince the city’s leaders to hand him the keys to UMC, and by doing so enter into a partnership of sorts with a hospital that’s too important to the District’s overall health care apparatus for politicians to let it fail.

Chopivsky has been paying high-powered lobbyist David Carmen’s company $35,000 a month for help, lobbying records show. In total, Chopivsky has paid the Carmen Group nearly three quarters of a million bucks since 2009, though not all of that money has gone towards Chopivsky’s hospital-buying efforts.

Chopivsky has also hired Linda Greene, whom The Washington Post’s Reliable Source gossip column says is Mayor Vince Gray’s girlfriend, to build up goodwill in UMC’s neighborhood. According to the Office of Campaign Finance, which tracks lobbyist disclosures, Greene was paid $37,500 over a six-month period during the last half of 2010; she lobbied Gray and several councilmembers, as well as then-Attorney General Peter Nickles, last summer, according to OCF. Greene says much of her job was introducing Chopivsky to the powers-that-be east of the river.

When did Atrios blog for Medicare for All???


Federal judge strikes down whole law, sez mandate is unconstitutional and cannot be severed from rest of law.

Maybe we’ll return to my crazy idea to pay for it out of taxes.

Your crazy idea? When did you support single payer? When did you support Medicare for All? When the doctors were arrested at the Senate Committee hearing did you so much as mention it? Did you ever blog in support of the National Day of Action? The Mad as Hell Doctors Tour? Did you even link to Conyers’ Medicare for All page? Nope. So how was taxpayer support for health care your idea?

Rosalynn Carter to appear at the National Portrait Gallery

UPDATE: Washington Watch: A Carter returns to D.C. with a cause

You can buy here book here: Within Our Reach: Ending the Mental Health Crisis

Friday, May 7 | 12:00 – 1:30 p.m.
National Portrait Gallery | Kogod Courtyard
Located across from the Gallery Place metro station at
7th and F Streets NW
Family, All Ages

Join us for a special afternoon with author and former First Lady Rosalynn Carter who will offer remarks and answer questions, read from and then autograph her latest book “Within Our Reach: Ending the Mental Health Crisis” an insightful, unsparing assessment of the state of mental health using stories from her 35 years of advocacy to springboard into a discussion of the larger issues at hand. Mrs. Carter crafts an intimate and powerful account of a subject previously shrouded in stigma and shadow, surveying the dimensions of an issue that has affected us all.

Pre-order your copy of “Within Our Reach: Ending the Mental Health Crisis” by calling the museum store at 202-633-5451 from 11:30 to 7:00 daily. Books maybe picked up after April 27th. Your position in the signing line will be determined by the number on your cash register receipt.

No memorabilia.
No “posed” photos.
We reserve the right to limit books brought from home.
